Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hardness of Heart part 2

Andrew Wommack-Hardness of Heart Lesson 2

It is not about whether or not you love God, it is about how you react. If the doctor tells you something against what God tells you, and you believe the doctor’s word over God’s word, then that is a sign of a hard heart!
Your heart becomes sensitive to what you are focused on,
We may have lots of knowledge, but most of us are more focused on the world than on God and what He says.
Even just being preoccupied by trying to save yourself in the physical life, hardens your heart to what God has done in your Spiritual Life.
Actions are a result of where your heart is, control your heart, love God with all of your heart, if your heart follows then so will the rest of you. Actions are always a result of what is already inside of you.

Sin will also harden your heart towards God, to even sin you practically have to have a hard heart already! Think about this, if you are about to mug someone, and you keep thinking about how much you love God, and how much God loves you, its not going to work out! If you are about to rob a bank, and you sit down with your partners in crime and say, “Alright lets pray about this to make sure it goes well!” How could you go through with it if you really have a relationship with God? Sin doesn’t harden God’s heart toward you, it hardens your heart towards God, little by little, but God still loves you the same!
So, if you are living in sin, there is one thing to do, STOP IT! “oh but I can’t stop it..” YES YOU CAN! You just lack motivation! You see, if there was someone with a gun to your head saying “If you do that again I’ll blow your brains out!” You wouldn’t ever do it again! You just lack motivation.

Now not everything is sin, but taking your attention off of what God can do and has done hardens your heart to it.
One story Andrew has told is this, one time while driving about 70mph down the road he hit a patch of ice, the car went into a spin and did two 360’s while still doing 70mph! He did everything he could and everything he knew to do, but it didn’t work and so finally he had a bit of sense hit him and he shouted “JESUS!” and threw up his hands. The car quit spinning and back off onto the side of the road and came to a stop. He then turned back around and kept going on his way.
Another time, he and Jamie were driving at about 60mph back in the days that they were not living in prosperity and they were driving a car that had almost no brakes, driving on a country road, and they came up on a feed area, the gates were open on both sides of the road and there were about 100 cows all over the road. He hit the brakes but nothing happened, he had time to just point and go “uuuhhh….” and Jamie yelled “Jesus!!!” and suddenly they were on the other side of the cows and hadn’t hit one, neither of them know how it happened, but it did and they lived and didn’t kill any cows!

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