Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And the last one for today, Hardness of Heart Part 3

Andrew Wommack-Hardness of Heart Lesson 3

Matthew 17:15 (Just after the mount of transfiguration) “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.” (and Jesus replies) “You Unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.
Now what would people do today if a minister replied the way Jesus did??? I mean, how offensive and condemning and judgmental!
“The the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”” and most of the time the answer you will get from people is that you don’t have enough faith. And that is not the ONLY thing wrong, but it can be one of the problems! You do have to believe! But it is possible to believe and still not see the desired result. (Now if you have the NIV, not inspired version, of the Bible, you may not like this,) because the key is in the 21st verse! (And the NIV doesn’t include that verse due to personal theology problems) But it is not because of the lack of faith, but because of the unbelief going along with their belief, did you know you could do both at the same time? Just as James says, speaking of a double minded man, that he should not expect to receive anything from God!
So this boy, when coming (as described in mark) had a seizure, and the disciples say it and it emotionally effected them and caused them to have unbelief, though they still believed that they had the authority to cast it out, they had that unbelief counteracting their belief!
“I’m not anti-Doctors, I’m just anti-pretty-much-everything-they-say”-Andrew Wommack
And that is because doctors speak so much unbelief and negativity, it is a way of building up unbelief.
So drain out your unbelief so that your belief will have some real pull on your life!
You are better off not knowing why it won’t work! Because if you haven’t been told that it wont work, then you can believe that it will! And if you believe that it will, it can. Don’t explore all of the negatives, don’t imagine what could go wrong, just believe what God has said, and ONLY believe what God has said. “Get to the point where you don’t give a rip about anybody but God” -Andrew Wommack
If you ever meet a demon that won’t come out at the name of Jesus and on your faith, then your fasting and praying wont help. There is no demon that can stand up to that name. So why would your working help you? (As if you could do something to help Jesus) But fasting and praying will help you with your unbelief! And then you will have your faith and belief backing your word! Rather than all that unbelief pulling against you!

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