Going to give you my opinion, this is an AWESOME class!
Barry Bennett-DE
Authority-in the beginning.
Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,
God is the creator of all things, He is the ultimate authority.
If something is created in God’s image, then they have that characteristic of God, they have authority.
And God said, “Let man multiply and fill the earth and have dominion over the earth and subdue it.”
Man was God’s “administration” over the planet.
Psalm 8:3 “When I consider the heavens the work of your fingers and the stars which you have ordained, what is man that you are mindful of him?” “You have crowned him with glory and honor and put all things under his feet.”
Psalm 115:16 “The heavens are the lords but the earth is the children of men.”
Genesis 3, the serpent, temptation, the fall of Adam and Eve. If man was given dominion, and Satan was there to deceive, if he had dominion then he would have used it! And so he was looking for a way to get the authority and dominion. And he cannot simply come and exercise dominion, he has to find a way to get it from them. So he uses the body of a serpent and deceives Eve, Adam eats as well, and they lose their dominion because they are separated from God.
Luke 4:5-7 “And the devil took him up on a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in one moment of time,” then he told Jesus, “I have dominion, I am the ruler over all this you see, because it was given to me, and to whomsoever I will, I give it.” When man sinned, dominion was given to Satan.
“If I cast out devils by the finger of God then the kingdom of God is among you”
How can one enter into a strongman’s house (the earth) except that he first bind the strong man?
How was He binding the strong man? Walking around saying “I bind thee Satan!”
No, but some people do that.
Satan took authority because of sin, but who walked the earth without sin?
Jesus, He bound the Devil by walking without sin, by walking in righteousness. And He spoiled his house by healing the sick and casting out devils and raising the dead!
So how do we spoil the house? We have a revelation of righteousness and walk in it.
So if you know who you are in Christ, it is not even close, dominion has been regained and Satan can’t use his authority because it is no longer his.
“All authority has been given to me…” why would Jesus need to say this if it wasn’t an issue? Because it was an issue, the Devil had authority before! But then… “Now go into all the world…” That authority that has been given to Christ was then being delegated to the Body of Christ.
Now that we are righteous in Christ, we have authority in Christ.
So lets start living lives that spoil the enemies house!
And then, Duane Sheriff, great teacher, but hard to take notes from!
Duane Sheriff
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
Burnout can come from doing too much, but in most cases it comes from doing good in the wrong way.
He that sows to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption.
When you worry night and day, you are sowing to your flesh.
When you try to serve God out of your human ability and wisdom and strength, you are sowing to your flesh.
What is the motive? Is it out of the grace of God through faith? Or out of selfish ambition? If you sow to human strength, you will collapse in time. Will power will get you a ways, even in the kingdom of God, but you will fail in doing that. Murmuring and complaining is sowing to the flesh. Religion will kill you. Most people would have to have a MAJOR crop failure in their life to see the goodness of God! (Sowing and reaping, so many people sow to the flesh, that their flesh crop would have to really fail to come in for them to not have something go wrong in their life!)
So yes that is all I got in notes for that class, and now, taking notes for Barry Bennett's teaching on Galatians.
Barry Bennett-Galatians lesson 2
Do not be removed from this gospel of grace, the gospel is grace, and it is never about what you have done or what you can do but what Jesus has done.
The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth CAME, understand that they are not the same, and understand that grace and truth were not here before, you see, the word was made flesh and lived among us. Jesus is grace and truth. “Oh well you never know what God is going to do…” no, there is no more mystery, God has revealed Himself to us fully.
Romans 5:13 “For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.”
Even in the Old testament God spoke grace to the mountain of sin, Zechariah 4:7
And in the new testament His grace is still the only answer, Ephesians 1:7.
Grace is the environment for faith and love.
The moment we try to add to it and help out God, then we leave grace, then we start to experience depression, lack of joy, fear, nervousness, and all other things that could be wrong.
Grace is not passive, Grace motivates, gives, creates, empowers, lifts up, emboldens to do right, and to live an exciting life for God.
Mental assent grace, will allow you to do whatever you want and not care, will breed passivity, will slowly stop giving, will have no focus and vision for the future.
But a real revelation of Grace will do the opposite!
And that is it for today, I hope you are back to reading and keeping up now, and may the Grace of God lead you into a prosperous life!
-Ben Heath
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