Yes, that is right! We watched a DVD today, and.... you know what? Its just as good! (besides being a little harder to stay awake)
So first we had Dan Funkhouser though... so I think I've got that ready for you,
Kind of choppy I guess, but its what you get today.
Dan Funkhouser-What Faith Is And How To Live By It lesson 6
Mark 16:17-20 “And these signs will follow those who believe : In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Jesus sent His followers into all the world
How does faith impact the world?
Through followers of Christ who live out the Gospel and proclaim it to the world.
This is why our lifestyles and relationships are important. People are watching us!
Is there any evidence that Christ really makes a difference in our lives?
At the tower of Babel, the people were of one mind working together doing whatever they said, and even God said that nothing would be impossible for them! So God confused their languages and scattered them so that their evil ways would not be able to continue.
But on the day of Pentecost, every man was speaking with what sounded like nonsense but to those who heard it, it was heard in their own native language, so it was the right way, they were unified rather than scattered, speaking in the same spiritual language. And nothing was impossible for them.
And Wendell teaching Holy Spirit III Lessons 2 and 3,
wow... this is all I got first lesson... because my computer was about dead, but now it is plugged in!
Wendell Parr-Holy Spirit III lesson 2 (He isn’t here today really)
Word of knowledge is the supernatural revealing of a fact in existence that cannot be seen heard or revealed naturally, in this someone receives a word or part of knowledge concerning people or a present situation.
Word of wisdom usually is something future tense, whereas word of knowledge is here and now.
And... yes so I have more for the 3rd lesson!
Wendell Parr-Holy Spirit III Lesson 3
The Gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12, Discerning of Spirits
They are not for fun and games, not for entertainment, they are functional! They are to edify and build up people, deliver people, for the good of the body!
“This is one of the most valuable gifts I believe, especially today in the church.” -Wendell Parr
A believer is given Supernatural Ability to see into the spirit realm to distinguish or to perceive angels, demons and the condition of the human spirit, whether it be good or evil, and also the operation of the Holy Spirit.
The person flowing and being used in this gift is able to recognize the identity and all in the spirit behind people.
This is not the gift of Suspicion or the gift of guessing!
It is seeing into the spirit realm.
This gift will make it so we can discern what the motives are behind what people are doing, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, Satan may come as an angel of light, but with this gift we can see through that!
How many times are we told not to consider the things of this world? And yet we are uncomfortable in the spirit realm, or talking about it, and more comfortable in this world and with the things of this world. (Let me remind you, we become comfortable with what we are around, what we work in/with, and what we practice on. Consider me juggling on stage, I’m not comfortable with it yet, I haven’t done it enough yet, and here we have considered the things of this world FAR to much, we are FAR to comfortable with them!)
That spirit is the real us! Not our body, so become more comfortable with the real you, and less with this body that you live in. 2 Corinthians 5:1, we know that if this tent in which we live is destroyed, we have a building from God.
Did you know that Jesus actually limited Himself to only working with the Holy Spirit and not out of His own power? So if we have the same spirit in us, then we have the same ability as Jesus. Just as Romans 8 Says, “And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you.”
Ever read that before?
And thats it for today! I'll have a pretty awesome new juggling video up a bit later as well! so don't forget to check out "Brntrogdor" on, and find the newest video! I think I'll call it "Five Ball Kickup" or something like that, it will at least show up if you search that and the username!
well have a great day!
-Ben Heath
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