Yes, that is just a question, and yes the answer may be that the church doesn't really know God's goodness and therefore can't teach people about it correctly.
But the point of the question was not to be answered, not this time, it was to draw out how good God is, through an experience...
Lets start here, one week ago I realized that my next paycheck would not be coming in time and would probably not be enough anyways, to beef up my bank account enough to pay for this months rent and school tuition. So what do you do? Well first of all, this is one thing I came here for, to learn to trust God, to see some of those things that I had read about all my life in books about amazing Christians, I want those things in my life. And I knew that if I was at home, I would always have my parents care and support, and no thats not a bad thing, but hey, a guy needs to learn to live! And if you have someone supporting you at all times, then you don't need another person trying to do the same thing, you don't ever need to ask God for anything. You are living in the blessing of your parents. But I so wanted to live life loved and blessed by God with those experiences and testimony's following to show others what He can and wants to do for them. And besides that, its exciting!
Second, thanks to some awesome teaching here at school, (**WARNING** I WOULD NOT SUGGEST YOU DO THIS WITHOUT A TOTAL COMMITMENT AND SUPPORT AND UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO LIVE IN GOD'S BLESSINGS!!!) like I was saying... thanks to some awesome teaching here at school, I knew how to deal with this situation, how to trust God, how to kick doubt in the butt, and live a blessed life. So starting out, whenever I would see my bank statement or look in my wallet, of course I would get thoughts in my head that I didn't want! These are called doubts, or false imaginations of what reality is. In reality, I have all I will ever need, I am totally healed, and have the mind of Christ. So, I am supernaturally rich, dead to sickness and therefore cannot receive a sickness, and have infinite wisdom in me along with everything I will ever need to know. I may now remind you, God is not a man that He should lie.
How did I deal with those thoughts? This is the most important part, I went back to the word of God, I encouraged myself in my faith, I built myself up and reminded myself of the benefits of God. David said not to forget His benefits... most people don't think about the fact that this means we have to Remember them if we are not to forget them. So, you want them working? ...ah yeah thats more than I want to go into right now, but plant the seed of the word into your life, believe it, remind yourself of it, and listen to Andrew Wommack. lol
And that is what I did, give and it will be given to you, sow and you will reap, God gives seed to the sower, be a sower. Everytime I would have doubts, I would go back to the Word of God, look up verses on His supplying all our needs, prosperity.
And, the good news, yesterday, God provided $300, and... its true, God does not show favoritism, He loves us so much, He is so good to us. I am here to stay, when God called me here, He knew it was a 2 year school, He didn't send me here to fail, He didn't send me here to go home in 2 months, or only 1 year for that matter, I will not go back, God has only good things for me, but even if I WAS to have to live alone on some street and walk to school everyday, even if I was in that terrible state, I would not leave the school God sent me to go to.
Ok, so that is the real lesson here... but if you would like to read Thursday's class notes, I'll post those down here as well, if not, oh well, glad you made it this far! Hope you learned about how good God is. (Oh yes, now I see, that Dan Funkhouser had a great teaching on faith... it will be the last one here, so read the next one, skip it, I don't care, but read the last one!!!
Lawson Perdue-Bible Covenants Lesson(s) 5-6?
2 Chronicles 6:10-11
The ark-represented the presence of God.
The center of the universe, spiritually speaking, is the Word of God.
How has God chosen to represent Himself to the world? Through His Word.
Psalm 138:2 “You have magnified your Word above all Your Name.”
89:34 My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that has gone forth out of my mouth.
Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall endure forever.
Matthew 4:4 Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds….
John 5:46-47 For had you believed Moses, you would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if you believe not his writings, how shall you believe my words?
Do you want to see a miracle, or do you want to believe the Word? Luke 16:27-31
We don’t want to see signs and wonders only, but we want to understand the Word of God, those things will follow those who believe God’s word.
John 6:30 what sign and what work?
John 5:39 Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me.
We have all heard those messages about how praise and worship brings in the glory of God, but that isn’t all of it… its what the people are worshipping for.
2 Chronicles 5:1-2 Solomon assembled the elders of Israel to bring up the ark of the covenant…
5:6 King Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him before the ark, sacrificed sheep and oxen, which could not be told nor numbered for the multitude.
5:12 Also the Levites which were singers…. And 120 priests sounding the trumpets…
5:13 Praised the Lord, saying for He is good; His mercy endures forever…
And the Glory of the Lord filled the house.
They were worshipping because the ark had finally taken its resting place where it should be, they were worshipping God for how good He is, and about His mercy.
Glory on the word. Glory in us.
Colossians 1:27
2 Corinthians 3:18
The dedication of the temple. When was the pinnacle of the celebration? When the ark reached the resting place. What was in the ark? The Tablets from when the Lord made the covenant with Moses.
Dan Funkhouser-What Faith Is And How To Live By It! Lesson 4
Romans 10:10
For with the heart on believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
This isn’t just true about salvation, it is true about everything else that you receive from God.
Most all that we receive from God comes the same way, which is through faith.
It is always with the heart that man believes and with the mouth that confession is made unto.
It is with the hearth that man believes when it comes to healing, and with the mouth that confession is made unto.
Whatever you receive from God that is the way it’s done.
Mark 11:23
“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, (The mountain can be; sickness, poverty, fear, unbelief, all kinds of things) ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”
Revelation word as compared to logos, written word. Its not just what the lust of the flesh wants! Its what God wants for your life, when you are in God’s will and need something, whatever you say, it will be done.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, hearing brings faith in your heart, fear is the opposite of faith. Doubt is easier, therefore will overrule your faith if you have it in your life, so what do you do? Read God’s promises, build up your faith, rid yourself of the doubt!
For worry and fear-
1 John 4:4 greater is he
Psalm 23:4 you are with me
Isaiah 54:14 Far from oppression
Isaiah 54:17 no weapon will prosper
Galatians 1:4 delivered
Ephesians 6:16 shield of faith
Revelation 12:11 over-comer
James 4:7
Psalm 119:89
Isaiah 54:15
Material needs
Philippians 4:19
Psalm 35:27
Galatians 3:14
Wisdom and guidance
Proverbs 3:6, 3:5
Psalm 38:8
Colossians 3:10, 3:16
Comfort and strength
Colossians 1:13
1 John 4:4
Nehemiah 8:10
Philippians 4:7-8
Proverbs 4:21-22
Mark 16:17-18
Ephesians 2:10
So Go Build Yourself Up!
To all of God's Blessed,
-Ben Heath
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