Monday, November 15, 2010

The Best News

Our last class with Arthur Meintjes, rather sad, but how can you be sad while hearing this teaching? I was totally overjoyed.

Arthur Meintjes-The Heart of the Gospel Lesson 8

The heart of the Bible, the Gospel, is not really just about God, it is really about people, it is about the value that God has for people. It is all about people!
It is not really about how much we love God, it is really about how much God loves us!
“Let us love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loves is born of God, and Knows God.”
That is an experiential knowing, so if you do not know and have not experienced God’s love, then you cannot love, and you do not know God. You can know about God all you want, but until you experience God’s love, you cannot really love. You cannot walk in love.
Walking in love is not just walking in a loving way, that is a good idea of it, but first we must walk as one who is loved by God, and then as we let His unconditional un-earned love work on us, we can then let it overflow to others. Just like when we are giving, one hand to receive, one hand to give, and as it goes through, there is plenty for you! And this is a good way of thinking of it, seeing as God’s love is easily shown as unconditional, therefore it doesn’t matter how much you give to others, the more you are loved the more you love the more you let love into your life from God the more you can let it overflow to others, it just grows. (It really is the same with giving and letting God provide, His providence is infinite)
1 Corinthians 13, “the love chapter”
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, (If I can do all of these things, though they may be good things, and I may think they are helping someone) but have not love, (But if I do not have it working and flowing into my life and therefore flowing back to Him and outwards to others.) I am only a noisy gong and a clanging symbol. (I am not really doing anything good for anyone, its just irritating noise.)
What is the love of God?
Don’t say that this is just the way that God expects us to walk in love towards others, to say that He expects us to do something that He is not willing to do! No, it is speaking directly of God’s unconditional love!
God says, I am patient with you no matter what you do, no matter how many times you mess up, and in the mean time, He is kind to you, He is never envious nor does He boil over with Jealousy, (He is jealous for you, but He is not jealous because of you, He wants you all for Himself, but He is not jealous because your whole life is not built up around church, the bible, other Christians, and things of that sort, He just wants you.) (This is great, because I still get to juggle! God loves hanging out with me while I’m juggling! He has taught me several new patterns! I’ve almost fallen over laughing because of the silly things I’ve tried at His whisper… because they worked and they wouldn’t have without Him!) God is not prideful, He will not display Himself arrogantly. God will not insist or make you do what is His will for you, He does not insist on His own way, He will let you go your own way if you want to, and He will love you while you do it, you will get hurt, and will prolong the time in getting to where God wants you, and when you turn to Him for help… He will help you!!! God is not self seeking, not touchy or fretful or resentful. You can’t make God sad that easily! He isn’t that easily disturbed! You can’t hurt God’s feelings! You can’t hurt the feelings of someone who is secure in himself. He is not resentful, He doesn’t hold a grudge against you for something you have done. Even if we do hurt God, He does not hold it against us. He takes no account of evil done to Him! He does not stand around with a check list! “That’s 1! That’s 2!!! 3!!! You are OUT!” He pays no attention to a suffered wrong. No matter how badly you have behaved, or wronged the kingdom of God, He pays no attention to a suffered wrong! “Oh man, that is just how God wants us to be! You can’t expect that from Him!” “but wait, how can He expect us to be more righteous that Him!?!” This is God’s love, this is how He loves us, how He treats us!!! He is ever ready to believe the best about every person! What if the best of me is only 10% of me? And the rest is really bad? God says that that is the only part He believes in!
God hopes, He has a confident expectation, God has a confident expectation of something good coming out of it! (And if God is confident of good coming out, …can we be confident of something good coming out?)
You can’t wear out God’s love! Love Never Fails! It will never fail you, it will never fail in your life, it will never fail to accomplish that which God wants to accomplish in your life, it will never fail to get you where God wants you, it Can Not, Fail. God does not Fail.

The heart of the Gospel is the power of God to salvation. (The word salvation, not only means being saved from sins and going to heaven. It is also healing, provision, and every other good thing that we may have need of.)
The power of God, to deliver, preserve, heal, peace, and all that is great about God’s promises.

And then Wendell Parr...

Wendell Parr-Holy spirit III Lesson 4

The Gift of Faith

Three levels of faith,
Measure of faith-Romans 12:3
“the” measure or “a” measure, the very faith to believe in God has been deposited in us by God. It is not by our own power lest anyone should boast! Spiritual happening, carnal wording, it doesn’t always work that well to try that. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Without faith it is impossible to please God. We must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Word of faith-Romans 10:8, 17; Habakkuk 2:4
The word of faith, this is the way that you can activate more of the faith that God has given you by the word of God, faith comes by hearing, faith can increase or be more “activated” by the intake of the word of God. It is already in us, but we can get it going with the word of God. Again, these are spiritual things that I am trying to express in words that I’m typing.
Gift of faith-1 Corinthians 12:9
A supernatural faith that comes for a specific task and it never fails. This is not about us and what we have been doing, simply given by God as God wills it and when it comes forth You KNOW the end result is on the way.

Joshua 10:12-13, the sun and moon standing still! This is not from reading and studying the word of God and making all the right confessions. This is a gift of faith coming from God for this situation, this Miracle is not promised in His word, it is just what was needed at that time.
We have many people just saying, “Act on your faith! Throw out your medicine and you will be healed!” And because of these things we have plenty of people dead and plenty of questions over them because people did not have this gift of faith for these situations. You better know that you have truly heard from God before you tell someone to do something drastic!

And... then more of him... but I was running the video for that class!
So have a great day!
-Ben Heath

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